Wait List

The Child Development Center strives to maintain full enrollment in our classrooms throughout the year. We provide services for children of faculty, staff, and students of Texas State University, and the local community. All interested families are placed on a wait list once the Center receives a completed wait list application and wait list fee payment of $50.00.
Listed below are a few things to keep in mind when applying for our waiting list:
1. Wait list submission and payment does not guarantee admission of the child.
2. The CDC is open to all Texas State University and community families without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, physical or mental ability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital, or family status. The Center is committed to making all reasonable accommodations to meet every child's needs. Please call 512-245-2621 if you require alternative means for communication of program information.
3. The Center does not admit nor retain any child whose needs cannot be met or whose behavior would endanger other children or staff.
4. Wait list applications are accepted for children in utero or older and the majority of the children on our wait list are under the age of two.
5. Infants must be 12 weeks or older by mid August to enroll during the fall semester and due to the demand, the infant class is typically filled by September.
6. Most classroom openings happen in mid August when the classes shift. Children are placed in classes based on age and development. The infant and toddler classes do not exceed a six month age range.
7. Below are classroom entry ages starting in September. Children remain in the same class until the following August.
- Dandelions-3-9 month olds
- Daffodils-10-16 month olds
- Daisies-17-23 month olds
- Buttercups-2.0-2.5 year olds
- Poppies-2.6-2.11 year olds
- Zinnias-3 year olds
- Tiger Lilies-3 year olds
- Marigolds-4 year olds
- Bluebonnets-4 year olds