School Directory
FCS Lecturers
Lecturer | Program | Contact |
Bowie Hand | Nutrition | |
Brittany Camp | Human Development & Family Sciences | |
Callie Freudenberg | Interior Design | |
Caroline Hill | Interior Design | |
Cinthia Lozano | Fashion Merchandise | |
Cynthia Karras | Human Development & Family Sciences | |
Eleanor Smith | Interior Design | |
Elizabeth Morgan | Fashion Merchandise | |
Erica Quinones | Interior Design | |
Ethan Ramirez | Interior Design | |
Farya Phillips | Human Development & Family Sciences | |
John Coleman | Interior Design | |
Kaitlyn Schenk | Human Development & Family Sciences | |
Kasia Romo | Fashion Merchandise | |
Katie Campbell | Human Development & Family Sciences | |
Kristen Lines | Nutrition | |
Lindsay Bush | Human Development & Family Sciences | |
Maloree Malone | Fashion Merchandise | |
Melissa Hernandez | Human Development & Family Sciences | |
Michelle Crawford | Human Development & Family Sciences | |
Omayma Raafat | Interior Design | |
Raul Baeza | Interior Design | |
Stephanie Atkinson | Fashion Merchandise | |
Vanessa Meza | Nutrition | |
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Interior Design
Human Development & Family Sciences
Consumer Affairs
Fashion Merchandising
Nutrition & Foods
Professor Emerita
Consumer Affairs
Fashion Merchandising
Human Development & Family Sciences
Interior Design
Nutrition and Foods
Program Coordinator
Dr. Nadim AdiAdiNadimAssistant Professor - Interior DesignEmail: nadim.adi@txstate.eduFCS 208512.245.2409
Dr. Mira AhnAhnMiraProfessor - Interior Design | Program CoordinatorEmail: ma32@txstate.eduFCS 211512.245.4653
Dr. Edna AlfaroAlfaroEdnaProfessor - Human Development & Family Sciences | Program CoordinatorEmail: ea21@txstate.eduFCS 112512.245.2412
Dr. Andrew BehnkeBehnkeAndrewProfessor - Human Development & Family SciencesEmail: aob28@txstate.eduFCS 104512.245.2155
Dr. Lesli Biediger-FriedmanBiediger-FriedmanLesliAssociate Professor - Nutrition & FoodsEmail: lb47@txstate.eduFCS 287H512.245.7059
Dr. Peggy BlumBlumPeggyAssistant Professor of Instruction - Fashion MerchandisingEmail: p_b185@txstate.eduFCS 148512.245.5529
Dr. Elizabeth BlunkBlunkElizabethAssociate Professor - Human Development & Family Sciences | Assistant Director - School of Family & Consumer SciencesEmail: eb03@txstate.eduFCS 106512.245.2415
Mrs. Amber BranhamBranhamAmberAssistant Professor of Instruction - Interior DesignEmail: ab1390@txstate.eduFCS 219
Mr. Ali ChopraChopraAliAssistant Professor of Instruction - Interior DesignEmail: fcz5@txstate.eduFCS 207
Dr. Kim DavisDavisKimAssociate Professor - Consumer Affairs | Program CoordinatorEmail: kd20@txstate.eduFCS 126A512.245.8489
Dr. Shannon DierDierShannonAssistant Professor - Human Development & Family SciencesEmail:
Ms. Leia DownsDownsLeiaAssistant Professor of Instruction - Nutrition & Foods | Graduate Program Co-CoordinatorEmail: ad1013@txstate.eduFCS 280512.245.4685
Dr. Sandra DukeDukeSandraAssistant Professor of Practice - Consumer Affairs | Teacher Education CoordinatorEmail: sed64@txstate.eduFCS 126C512.408.3412
Ms. Cynthia FitchpatrickFitchpatrickCynthiaAssistant Professor of Instruction - Human Development & Family SciencesEmail: vrg64@txstate.eduFCS 121512.245.7051
Ms. Dienitha "Di" FontenotFontenotDienitha "Di"Director - Child Development CenterEmail: dmf69@txstate.eduCDC 100512.245.2621
Dr. Priscilla GobleGoblePriscillaAssociate Professor - Human Development & Family Sciences | Graduate Program Co-CoordinatorEmail: p_g145@txstate.eduFCS 123A512.245.7052
Dr. Christine GrayGrayChristineAssociate Professor of Instruction, Graduate Advisor - Human Development & Family Sciences | Program Co-CoordinatorEmail: c_g374@txstate.eduFCS 113512.245.2904
Dr. Leslie GreenGreenLeslieAssistant Professor - Consumer AffairsEmail: l_g503@txstate.eduFCS 126A512.245.4689
Ms. Evette HernandezHernandezEvetteAdministrative Assistant IIIEmail: eh17@txstate.eduFCS 101512.245.2135
Dr. Gwendolyn HustvedtHustvedtGwendolynProfessor - Fashion Merchandising | Progam CoordinatorEmail: gh21@txstate.eduFCS 144512.245.2444
Dr. Cassandra JohnsonJohnsonCassandraAssociate Professor - Nutrition & FoodsEmail: c_j216@txstate.eduFCS 279512.245.9196
Dr. Cosette Joyner MartinezJoyner MartinezCosetteAssociate Professor - Fashion MerchandisingEmail: cjoynermartinez@txstate.eduFCS 145
After working in the fashion industry for 15 years, Dr. Joyner Martinez earned her advanced degrees in Apparel and Textiles from Kansas State University before working for Oklahoma State University for 12 years. Joining the faculty as an Associate Professor in the School of Family & Consumer Sciences at Texas State University in 2023, she teaches courses related to the social psychology of clothing, sustainable fashion, and product development. Her research has focused on educational mechanisms for sustainable consumption, exploring how personal style and authenticity, minimalism, and mindful consumption may encourage more meaningful relationships with the clothes. Her current work focuses on the role of spirituality and spiritual practice as mechanisms for mindful consumption, as described in her 2020 publication, Fashion & the Buddha in the Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. She is an international scholar with over 40 peer-reviewed publications and has conducted several large-scale federally funded research projects. Her publications can be found in the premier sustainability- and fashion-related journals, including the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, International Journal of Consumer Studies, the Journal of Cleaner Production, and Cleaner and Responsible Consumption. She is a board member for the Sustainable Fashion Consumption Network, an international working group that investigates the mechanisms and barriers to sustainable fashion consumption. She also serves on the editorial board for the International Journal of Sustainable Fashion and Textiles. Dr. Joyner Martinez is a graduate of the Osage Forest of Peace School of Spiritual Direction, and she holds a teacher certification from the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults. She created The Mindful Dresser as an outreach platform for clothing users who are interested in evolving their relationship with clothing and to encourage other scholars to consider spirituality as an important aspect of experience that deserves more attention in consumer behavior scholarship.
Ms. Marilee KainerKainerMarileeAssistant Professor of Instruction - Interior DesignEmail: kainer@txstate.eduFCS 204512.245.8703
Dr. Gar Yee KohKohGar YeeAssistant Professor - Nutrition & FoodsEmail: g_k70@txstate.eduFCS 287G512.245.0199
Dr. Michelle LaneLaneMichelleAssociate Professor - Nutrition & Foods | Program CoordinatorEmail: ml48@txstate.eduFCS 283512.245.4654
Dr. Yuli LiangLiangYuliAssistant Professor - Fashion MerchandisingEmail: yuliliang@txstate.eduFCS 146512.245.5681
MR. Carlos LujanLujanCarlosCoord, Microcomputer Lab IEmail: cal241@txstate.eduFCS 107512-245-8031
DR. Denise McAllisterMcAllisterDeniseAssistant Professor - Interior DesignEmail: frh41@txstate.eduFCS 221
Ms. Lana McCarthyMcCarthyLanaAssistant Professor of Instruction - NutritionEmail:
Ms. Lindsey MengeMengeLindseyAssistant Professor of Practice - Nutrition & Foods | Dietetic Internship DirectorEmail: ldr52@txstate.eduFCS 284512.245.3786
Mr. Alfredo Ramirez Jr.Ramirez Jr.AlfredoBudget AssistantEmail: rom33@txstate.eduFCS 101512.245.1272
Dr. Ramona SalcedoSalcedoRamonaAssociate Professor - Nutrition & Foods | Graduate Program Co-CoordinatorEmail: rsp44@txstate.eduFCS 287K512.245.6202
Ms. Maura SchafferSchafferMauraAssistant Professor of Instruction - Interior DesignEmail: m_s536@txstate.eduFCS 204
Dr. Eunjin SeoSeoEunjinAssistant Professor - Human Development & Family SciencesEmail: eunjinseo@txstate.eduFCS 120512.245.2135
Dr. Yishan ShenShenYishanAssociate Professor - Human Development & Family SciencesEmail: y_s77@txstate.eduFCS 123B512.245.6739
Ms. Amber TitusTitusAmberAssociate Professor of Instruction - Human Development & Family SciencesEmail: at24@txstate.eduFCS 115512.245.4651
Dr. Intisar TyneTyneIntisarAssistant Professor - Interior DesignEmail: nas167@txstate.eduFCS 220
Mr. Barry UnderhillUnderhillBarryAssistant Professor of Practice - Fashion MerchandisingEmail: bau4@txstate.eduFCS 148512.245.7194
Dr. Amy WeimerWeimerAmyProfessor - Human Development & Family Sciences | Director - School of Family & Consumer SciencesEmail: a_w377@txstate.eduFCS 104512.245.1106
Ms. Christy YouensYouensChristyAssociate Professor of Instruction - Nutrition & Foods | Didactic Program CoordinatorEmail: cy13@txstate.eduFCS 287H512.245.8342
Dr. Jie "Jacky" ZhuZhuJie "Jacky"Assistant Professor - Nutrition & FoodsEmail: j_z151@txstate.eduFCS 287J512.245.7655